HID Glass Tag (Animal)

HID Glass Tag (Animal)

Brand: HID Global

Service: -

Glass covered RFID tags for livestock tracking applications.

HID Glass Tag RFID tags deliver consistent quality and reliability with patented direct-bonding technology that enables exceptional size-to-performance ratios.

Standard units are enclosed in biocompatible glass, making them harmless to animals. The optional parylene coating improves and accelerates tissue adhesion, preventing the movement of tags implanted subcutaneously into pets, fish or laboratory animals.

Larger Glass Tag transponders are ideal for cattle, sheep and goats. The tags help optimize livestock production and productivity through individualized lifecycle management, monitoring and feed control.

For tracking birds, small Glass Tag RFID tags are embeddable in bird rings or bands.

HID Glass Tag Ultra transponders deliver greater read range than any low frequency tags of comparable size. The tags' improved read range reduces animal and system operator stress by increasing the distances between animals, reader equipment, and operators.

System Features

Communication Features

WLAN ,,,,,,,


Reader Features


Electrical Power Specifications

Physical Properties

Environmental Features

Connection Interfaces

Optional Features

Min ribbon width ,,,
Max ribbon width ,,,
Ribbon length ,,,
Tag type ,,,,,,,,
TT Max tag width ,,,,,,,,
Min tag fineness ,,,,,,,,
Max tag fineness ,,,,,,,,
Tag roll inner diameter ,,,,,,,,
Tag roll outer diameter ,,,,,,,,
Optional tag inner diameter ,,,
Alignment ,,,,,,,,

Ribbon Features

Min ribbon width ,,,
Max ribbon width ,,,
Ribbon length ,,,
Tag type ,,,,,,,,
TT Min tag width ,,,
TT Max tag width ,,,,,,,,
Min tag fineness ,,,,,,,,
Max tag fineness ,,,,,,,,
Tag roll inner diameter ,,,,,,,,
Tag roll outer diameter ,,,,,,,,
Optional tag inner diameter ,,,
Alignment ,,,,,,,,

Tag Specifications

TT Min tag width ,,,
TT Max tag width ,,,,,,,,
Min tag fineness ,,,,,,,,
Max tag fineness ,,,,,,,,
Tag type ,,,,,,,,
Tag roll inner diameter ,,,,,,,,
Tag roll outer diameter ,,,,,,,,
Optional tag inner diameter ,,,
Alignment ,,,,,,,,

Notification Features

Additional Features

Software Features

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