HID Embedded RFID Tag (Animal)

HID Embedded RFID Tag (Animal)

Brand: HID Global

Service: -

Embedded RFID Tags for livestock tracking applications.

Manufacturers can create powerful RFID tags for the effective monitoring of cattle, sheep, goats and other farm animals using transponders developed by HID Global. Fully automated HID production processes ensure consistent embeddable RFID component quality and reliability. Patented direct-bonding technology enables more compact tag designs and optimized read ranges, delivering exceptional size-to-performance ratios.

E-Unit Disc transponders are ideal for embedding in livestock female ear tags and similar applications where a combination of visual and RFID reader solutions are desirable. Each disc can withstand the mechanical stresses of manufacturing and assembly, and deliver reliable field performance under harsh conditions.

E-Unit Rod transponders embed easily into space-restricted applications, such as small ovine ear tags, or subcutaneous enclosures.

System Features

Communication Features

WLAN ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Reader Features


Electrical Power Specifications

Physical Properties

Environmental Features

Connection Interfaces

Optional Features

Min ribbon width ,,,
Max ribbon width ,,,
Ribbon length ,,,
Tag type ,,,,,,,,
TT Max tag width ,,,,,,,,
Min tag fineness ,,,,,,,,
Max tag fineness ,,,,,,,,
Tag roll inner diameter ,,,,,,,,
Tag roll outer diameter ,,,,,,,,
Optional tag inner diameter ,,,
Alignment ,,,,,,,,

Ribbon Features

Min ribbon width ,,,
Max ribbon width ,,,
Ribbon length ,,,
Tag type ,,,,,,,,
TT Min tag width ,,,
TT Max tag width ,,,,,,,,
Min tag fineness ,,,,,,,,
Max tag fineness ,,,,,,,,
Tag roll inner diameter ,,,,,,,,
Tag roll outer diameter ,,,,,,,,
Optional tag inner diameter ,,,
Alignment ,,,,,,,,

Tag Specifications

TT Min tag width ,,,
TT Max tag width ,,,,,,,,
Min tag fineness ,,,,,,,,
Max tag fineness ,,,,,,,,
Tag type ,,,,,,,,
Tag roll inner diameter ,,,,,,,,
Tag roll outer diameter ,,,,,,,,
Optional tag inner diameter ,,,
Alignment ,,,,,,,,

Notification Features

Additional Features

Software Features

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